Abstract-ish Shapes

I was playing around with the the Remesh Modifier and the Ocean Modifier in Blender 2.64 and after a while, I got this weird spiky ball thing. I actually started this a long time ago and just forgot about it, but I found it and decided to might as well render it. Continue reading

Teapot Light Room

Final render of Teapot Light Room

A quick test I did in Indigo Render. I wanted to test how Indigo handles interior renders. I rendered pretty fast and the result turned out really nice. I used an exit portal so that it renders more efficiently and faster. Everything was setup in Blender 2.63 and then exported to Indigo. The texture for the wall was from CG Textures… I think (I can’t remember).


Some Billiards I made for BlenderGuru’s Photorealism Contest. Created in Blender 2.62, the textures were made in Gimp 2.8. I used HDRI lighting in Cycles to make the overall feel of it more realistic. Some post-processing was done in the compositor.

Update: This picture got used for the BlenderNation header! BlenderNation is like the place to go for Blender news and stuff like that. So, that means a lot of Blender artists go there, which means a lot of Blender artists will see it. It was so crazy when I saw it there!

Screenshot of “Billiards” on BlenderNation

Planner Cover

Final render of the Planner Cover

The planner cover I made for my middle school. I made it with Blender 2.62 and rendered it with Cycles. The rays and the clouds were rendered on all different Render Layers so I could have more control. I put everything together in Photoshop, I did some compositing and color-correction in Photoshop too. Everything was only lit by a sun lamp and GI.